Thursday, October 20, 2011


10/15 Moved in with my family here in Majunga but more posts coming about that soon.

Since my last post, I spent a few nights “camping” in Ankarafantsika with tents set up under little bungalow esque roofs and bathrooms not too far away. Although we weren’t camping for real, it was enough for this city-boy hahaha. We stayed on the outskirts of a national park that houses 8 types of lemurs, 130+ birds, all kinds of reptiles and numerous plants. I do not know too much about bio-diversity but I do know that Madagascar has a ton of endemic species so I assumed that pretty much everything I saw could only be seen here.. Not too much to say, the pictures – I hope – will speak for me.

We went for a walk during the day and saw 2 types of lemurs, one was a type of sporting lemur, which is nocturnal, but we found a few kind of awake sticking their head out of a tree. I forgot the name of the other but it was the dancing lemur! Unfortunately, all the ones we saw were in the trees so I didn’t get to see any first hand dancing but we saw a bunch of em and even got a few visits to the camp site.

At night we went for another walk where I saw a few types of mouse lemurs also! Overall saw about 4-5 different kinds of lemurs in my two days there. Sometimes they were close enough to see jumping from branch to branch but other times we could only see a pair of glowing orange eyes in the distance. I tried to take pictures of the wildlife that I could find either in the park or our campsite including black-collared iguanas, birds and bugs. It was an awesome experience!

Then we got to visit a part of the park where they were raising tortoises to be released into the wild. They had a bunch of different kinds but by far the cutest were the little tiny ones (see picture). Don’t think I have any specific stories from the last few days. Stay tuned for life in Majunga.

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