Monday, October 31, 2011

Coming Up

We have now finished up our 3rd and final homestay and are moving on to the final part of the semester, the Independent Study Project. I had a great time in Majanga – going to the beach nearly every day, eating fresh mangoes and living with yet another family – all the while finishing up the final assignments for the majority of my courses. Now we are off on our own to work on a 30-40 page project which requires weeks and numerous hours worth of research. I am returning to Tana because that is where the majority of the information is located in this country and will be staying with my first family because I enjoyed them so much! I figured I would post my proposal for the project for anyone who was interested to read about what I will be doing:

Statement of Purpose: (What?/Why? in 1-2 sentences)
I intend to analyze the role of music within the Malagasy society from a more than anthropological perspective – that of an International Political Economist. Through a political, social and economic lens, I plan on researching and presenting music’s importance to the country and the many actors that influence it.

Proposed Study Site(s): (Where?)

Project Description: (What? in more detail. Include some study questions.)
I haven’t narrowed it down but here are thoughts that I have had. I believe that my research will help narrow the focus and give my paper direction.
Economic: -Formal jobs created comparison to employment rate
-A specific look at informal vs. formal economy as pertaining to piracy
-Existence and role of record labels
-Copy rights/masters and licensing
-Radio and how/if artists are paid for it
-Concert promotion
Social: -How is music used within Malagasy culture ranging from Church
hymns to advertisements? → in addition, traditional vs. modern uses?
social or political commentary?
-The popularity of Malagasy vs. French language vs. English music →
-Malagasy bands that are popular in Madagascar vs. Malagasy bands
known world wide → are they the same?
-Concert promotion/music festivals in Madagascar
Political: -The use of music within politics → campaign songs? Political
opposition through song?
-To what extent is the government involved in the music industry? →
regulate the messages? Regulate the radio? Enforce copyrights? Fight
against piracy? Theory vs. practice.
-Andry Rajoelina was a DJ before his entrance to politics → to what
extent did that help or hurt him?

Methodology: (How?)
Economic: -quantitative research
-Pertaining to jobs created within the music industry → Chamber of
Commerce & Industry
-Finding how many people work at each label or radio station
-How many registered formal labels/music business exists in Tana
-Numbers of albums sold, concert tickets sold etc..
-Discussing strategies with government officials or record store
employees for fighting piracy
Social: -interviews with music executives and artists about role of music
-interviews with radio personalities and music programmers
-interviews with concert promoters, look at process
Political: -research laws pertaining to music
-possible interview with Rajoelina’s old co-workers
-research political songs of the past
-If division of government for music exists (like FCC), interview
someone there

Project Format: (e.g. academic paper, film, performance, etc.)
The final draft of your proposal will also include the following information. Please mention whatever you are thinking at this stage, no matter how tentative it might be.
A final paper that will include a summary of the questions I set out to answer, my methodology and my findings. I intend to include both graphs to represent my findings as well as written word.

Proposed Itinerary: (Include dates, locations and means of transport)
October 31st through November 14-20: Antananarivo, with my home stay family. Range depends on how quickly I get research finished, allowing myself 2-3 weeks.
November 14-20th through 27th: Tamatavaa, I want to see more of Madagascar, I will need to make sure other site has internet, electricity, printers etc. I will arrive by Taxi-Brousse.

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